This fun floral teapot cover uses 5- and 6-petal flowers to create the half-sphere shape. The flowers are joined as you work, and medium-weight cotton yarn makes for an easy-care piece.

FINISHED MEASUREMENTS: Fits 8- to 10-cup teapot
23 inches circumference x 71/2 inches high
Bernat Handicrafter Cotton UH medium (worsted) weight cotton mmm yarn (13/4 oz/80 yds/50g per ball): 2 balls #00097 soft violet 1 ball each #13215 robin's egg and #00030 pale yellow
Size J/10/6mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
Tapestry needle
Stitch markers: 2
Blue Flower: From tip to tip at widest point = 21/2 inches
Purple Flower: From tip to tip at widest point = 23/4 inches
Cozy is a dome shape constructed with pentagons that are surrounded by hexagons, like a soccer ball, leaving out a Blue Flower on 1 side and a Purple Flower on other side for spout and handle openings. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.
Slip ring: Leaving 4-inch end (see illustration), lap yarn over end forming lp, insert hook through lp from front to back, yo, pull through lp to form ring, yo, pull through lp on hook.
5-double crochet cluster (5-dc cl): Holding back last lp of each st on hook, 5 dc as indicated in instructions, yo, pull through all lps on hook.
Petal: (Sl st, ch 2, 5-dc cl, ch 3, sl st) as indicated in instructions.
Linked petal: (Sl st, ch 2, 5-dc cl, remove lp from hook, insert hook from front to back under top 2 lps at tip of Petal to be linked, pull dropped lp through, ch 3, sl st) as indicated in instructions.
4-double crochet cluster (4-dc cl): Holding back last Ip of each st on hook, 4 dc as indicated in instructions, yo, pull through all lps on hook.
Blue Flower
Rnd 1: With pale yellow, work slip ring (see Special Stitches), 5 sc in ring, pull to close ring, join (see Special Stitches) in beg sc. Fasten off.
Rnd 2: Join robin's egg in any sc, (ch 2, 5-dc cl—see Special Stitches, ch 3, sl st) in same st as joining sl st, petal (see Special Stitches) in each st around, join in beg sl st. Fasten off. (5 petals)
Purple Flower
Rnd 1: With pale yellow, work slip ring, 6 sc in ring, pull to close ring, join in beg sc. Fasten off.
Rnd 2: Join soft violet in any sc, (ch 2, 5-dc cl, ch 3, sl st) in same st as joining sl st, petal in each st around, join in beg sl st. Fasten off. (6 petals)
1. Beg at top (see Diagram A), center of Cozy, work Blue Flower.
2. Work Purple Flower stopping after first petal,working in tip of first petal of Blue Flower, work linked petal (see Special Stitches) in next st, working in tip of next petal of Blue Flower, linked petal in next st, petal in each of rem 3 sts, join in beg sl st. Fasten off.
3. Work Purple Flower, stopping after first petal, linked petal in next st and in tip of 4th petal of previous Purple Flower, linked petal in next st and 3rd petal of last Purple flower, linked petal in next st and next petal of Blue flower, work petal in each of last 2 sts, join in beg sl st. Fasten off.
4. Work Purple Flower, stopping after first petal, linked petal in next stand in tip of 5th petal of previous Purple Flower, linked petal in next st and 4th petal of previous Purple Flower, linked petal in next st and next petal of Blue Flower, petal in each of last 2 sts, join in beg sl st. Fasten off.
5. Work Purple Flower, stopping after first petal, linked petal in next st and in tip of 5th petal of previous Purple flower, linked petal in next st and 4th petal of previous Purple Flower, linked petal in next st and in first petal of Blue Flower, linked petal in next st and 2nd petal of first Purple Flower, petal in last st, join in beg sl st. Fasten off.
6. Continue making and linking Flowers according to Diagram B. Place st markers at openings for spout and handle.
Bottom Edge
Join soft violet with sc in st at tip of free Blue Flower petal, *ch 1, 4-dcd (see Special Stitches) in tip of next Blue Flower petal, ch 2, in tip of next Purple Flower petal work [yo, insert hook in st, yo, pull up lp, yo, pull through 2 lps on hook] 4 times (5 lps on hook), in tip of next Purple Flower petal, [yo, insert hook in st, yo, pull up lp, yo, pull through 2 lps on hook] 4 times, yo, pull through all 9 lps on hook, ch 2, 4-dc cl in tip of next Blue Flower petal, ch 1**, sc in next st, rep from * 4 times starting with sc in tip of next free Blue Flower petal, ending last rep at **, join in beg sc, Fasten off.
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